Friday, April 14, 2006

Yes, I'm alive

Hi guys, (which is actually like two of you but at least you are concerned).

I am still alive and thanks for putting up the comments. Our internet has been down since 4 April so that is why i haven't been online or posting or e-mailing. I'm having withdrawl problems.

We found out that our internet got cut off because we had an outstanding balance, but we didn't pay the whole balance because we were without service for the last two weeks of Feb. So we switched to a different internet agent.

Now, I'm able to read ppl's blogs but can't open my e-mail. Pray for me. Oh and the rest of us since we are now sharing one line instead of the four. Being a missionary is about sharing!

I don't know how to fix my e-mail problem. Maybe i should have some one check for me and then chat with me on AIM, that wouldn't be complicated right?



Blogger Hannatu said...

Hi Sara. I don't know you, but I'm a missionary to Niger and I've just gotten into blogging. Not only that but I went to KA as a kid and then taught there for 4 years from 1982-1986. I met my husband there, too. So I love Miango and I love KA and I love blogging. And I know what it's like to not have internet access! I can get on the internet only when we go to the capital city. (Right now we're on homeassignment in Nigeria.) I saw your name on Amanda's blog, so I assume you're Australian? Anyway, it's nice to meet you.

Wed Apr 26, 10:13:00 AM  

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