Monday, February 12, 2007

Debriefing and such

Hi guys,

Well I guess I'm not a missionary anymore. I had my US debriefing in Charlotte, NC at the end of Jan. Then last week, I had a Skype international call to complete my end of term review for Nigeria. It's one of those weird feelings that I can't get over that I'm not a missionary anymore. It's almost like saying "Well, because your nephew died then you aren't an aunt." It's a job that you can't go back on like I can't stop being an aunt, I can't stop being a missionary because I still love the job I had and the people I worked with even if I can't be around them or in the country I was serving in.

My last newsletter will be sent out tomorrow (hopefully if I can stuff and address 100 letters before the mailman comes)! So look for it in your mailbox.



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