Okay, kiddos, here's another random post from your Nigerian missionary.
Around November, before I returned to the States, I thought I heard a mouse in my house. I notified maintance that there could be a problem. When I returned last week, the mouse had eaten through soy and ketchup packets, sugar packets, an air mattress and God only knows what else. Obviously if it has been in my house for a good 6 weeks, you can imagine the mess.
So I left out poision (for 3 days) and it's still alive. When I got up this morning, it was on top of my kitchen counter eating my pineapple. It ran from left to right (and I mean fast!) and flew behind my fridge.
I'm not happy. I set a trap this morning and have caught nothing so far.
I was having a short quiet time at lunch and was scheduled to read these verses:
Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.Psalm 70: 1 O God, hasten to deliver me; O LORD, hasten to my help!Because of my trouble, I have now named my house 'guest' the very state I wish it to be in: Dead.