Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My busy weekend

So here is a little run down of my busy weekend.

On Friday, I went to the Vacation Bible School training for the different associations around the state. I was there as the Grady Association missions rep. In April I will train anyone who comes to the Grady Association meeting about the missions portion of VBS. I hope my experiences and love for missions will be a great encouragment to those who come.

Saturday was a fun day with my mom in Dallas. We attened SIM's 10th annual fellowship for the south central region (TX, OK, NM, and LA). We heard all these great reports from many of the missionaries that are on furlough. Furlough is a lot of work for missionaries especially those who raise their own support. They come home, visit with their families, raise up their support, and encourage others to pursue missions. I was able to see my friend Gay Lynn who lived next door to me in Jos. It was a great time of refreshment and encouragment for my love of missions.

Lastly on Sunday, I went to church and had a great Bible study on the word "work" and heard a great lesson from our pastor about how our mouth/words can impact others. Later that night, I went to a missions meeting with my cousin's church. A few weeks ago, my cousin called and said "Well since you're not doing anything, do you want to go to Mexico with us for our medical mission trip." I said yes and the coolest part of the offer was she was going to fund my way! Megan's the coolest and now we'll get into trouble in a foreign country! The trip is mid-March and I'll have more details later. This post is too long as it is.

Feel caught up now? :)

Monday, February 12, 2007

Debriefing and such

Hi guys,

Well I guess I'm not a missionary anymore. I had my US debriefing in Charlotte, NC at the end of Jan. Then last week, I had a Skype international call to complete my end of term review for Nigeria. It's one of those weird feelings that I can't get over that I'm not a missionary anymore. It's almost like saying "Well, because your nephew died then you aren't an aunt." It's a job that you can't go back on like I can't stop being an aunt, I can't stop being a missionary because I still love the job I had and the people I worked with even if I can't be around them or in the country I was serving in.

My last newsletter will be sent out tomorrow (hopefully if I can stuff and address 100 letters before the mailman comes)! So look for it in your mailbox.
