Saturday, January 19, 2008


Well I have had and will be having some new experiences this month. Earlier this week, I was officially moved to the billing department for the medical company I have been with since October. No I haven't been hired yet and am still a temp but I'll be out of my temp contract soon. When I started with the company I wanted to be in the billing department, so three jobs and three desks later, I'm back where I started.

On Thursday evening I went to Sushi Neko with my friend Amanda. It was the first time that I had sushi and I'm a big fan of it now. I had cooked eel, cooked shimp, some California rolls, triple delight (veggie sushi) and something I'm still not sure of. I also had green tea ice cream (so yummy!). The whole meal calorie (and point wise for you WW freaks like me) was equal to a piece of pizza!

Next weekend, I am going to a new hairdresser's. My other hairdresser (and a family friend) decided it was time for her to retire which is weird since she's younger than my parents. What really happened was her husband got a great job out of state and she is closing her shop to be with him. I actually know my new hairdresser. Her mom babysat David and I when we were young sprouts and we went to church togehter so I feel like I grew up with her. I'm also thinking of trying out a new hairstyle. I'll need to think about it this week.

I'm sure there is something else I was going to write about but it is not coming to my mind. Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy 2008!

I have about 10 resolutions/goals from my 100 things to do list that I want to accomplish this year. I've already accomplished one today at 12:01am!

The list will be coming soon.

For now, I am watching Season 3 of Lost. I will finally be caught up when Season 4 is on the air in Feb.

Here are the things that I thought would be accomplish-able this year from my 100 things to do list.

#6: Meet my Weight Watchers goal
#20: Eat a five course meal
#36: Have a day at the spa
#43: Drink a glass of wine (Done! I had some sparkling wine at my friend's new year's celebration)
#44: Get some upper body strength- accomplish 20 pull ups
#45: Take yoga
#64: Try champagne
#70: Move out of the parents' house
#103: Learn how to arrange flowers

If anyone is up to joining me in accomplishing these goals: the five course meal or a day at the spa, just let me know.