Blizzard '06
If any of you are wondering and haven't seen my online, I'm stuck in the Oklahoma panhandle during a blizzard. Luckily we have natural gas so we are able to cook and heat the house to a nice temp. The elecricity went off on Friday afternoon so no internet (*gasp) and no water. We are on a well so when there is no electricity, no pump, therefore no water. So one of my jobs has been melting snow for washing dishes, taking pan baths, and flushing toilets. It's a big job when you have six people in the house.
We are currently on the farm's welding generator powing up the freezers, making coffee, running computers and the internet. We didn't know how isolated we were until we were able to read the news online. Instead of leaving the farm on Monday, it might be leaving on Wednesday. Mom will miss work but it's okay since she has a very bad cold.
I, luckily, have been able to stay inside reading books and playing games with my grandma. My brother and uncle (the farmers) have been chasing thier money (heifers) into TX and bringing them back home. Currently, they are using the tractor to clear the roads for the county and the electric company.
Have a wonderful New Year!