Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Culture Shock

For those of you who are not missionaries or haven't lived abroad there is this thing that happens when you return to your home country after living in a different culutre. It's called reverse culture shock. I don't have a concrete definition for it but basically once you return to your home country, the customs/laws/language is a shock to you.

Here are some things that are typical to the American life but have thrown me for a loop since I’ve returned:

Pumping gas,

Going to the Norman library (almost too many selections),

Consistent electricity (obviously if you’re not on a farm during a blizzard),

Buying fruits and vegetables inside a store instead of on the street,

Picking out a movie at Blockbuster,

Drinking the water out of the tap,

Throwing away perfectly good food.

Any one out there who can think of some other things that you thought was particularly difficult, list them in the comment section.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007



I thought I should give an update on where I'm at. When we were at my grandma's house, we heard that it might be three weeks until the power was back on. So... we escaped. Currently we are enjoying the electricity and that fact that we don't have to melt and boil snow for water.

So it's a new year. A time to make resolutions and focus on goals for the year or is that just me? I really think 2007 will be a year of new life experiences for me which is exciting and scary all at the same time.

Hope you have a nice day!