Pray for Nigeria
This month elections are going on in Nigeria. This weekend, all 36 states are electing a governor and then next weekend they will be electing their new president. Pray for the Nigerians going to vote and the missionaries that are currently living there. The elections could stir up a lot of trouble in the country but it could also be a great example on how the democratic process can work. I'll give more info when I hear how the weekend progressed. *Update on April 24th. I hear from my friends in Nigeria that election day was quiet in Jos. No major problems are going on in the city after the announcement of the winner of the presidental election. An update about me will be coming up later this week basically when I figure out what to write about.
My new job
Great news. I got a job!A few days after returning from Mexico, I started my new job as a shelter counselor in Norman. The shelter houses kids, ages 0-17 that are taken out of their parents' home or are between foster homes. On my shift with another staff member, we play with the kids, fix dinner, get kids into baths and beds, monitor volunteers, and do paperwork on the kids. I have an unusual work schedule, but I do work forty hours a week, have health insurance, have weekends free and wear jeans to work! I'm so glad I have a job now but even happier that I really enjoy it. At times it's really difficult to deal with the kids. The first night at the shelter is hard for the new little ones. Just think of all the new rules, new people, and new bed time routine. It's hard to deal with the teenagers when they miss their friends and family or are just being typical, brooding teens. But right now it is really rewarding and I'm working with fun people. Happy Easter!